The solution? Use the old-school Windows Registry key remapping technique… but do it the easy way, using the open-source SharpKeys application. There also seem to be issues with the remappings not working properly in games and some other places. The major problem with PowerToys is that the remappings only work if the PowerToys application is running, so they won’t work on the login screen.
RELATED: How to Remap Any Key or Shortcut on Windows 11 How to Disable or Remap Keys Using SharpKeys Then you can either exit PowerToys completely or create a new mapping using the guide above. After that, click “OK” to close the window.

In the list of mappings, click the trash can icon beside the mapping you’d like to delete. If explorer is already open, it will highlight the search bar.į6 - Cycles objects in the current window.Later on, if you want to remove the custom mapping you made, relaunch Power Toys Settings, then click “Keyboard Manager” and “Remap a key” again. (Alt + Enter) - Opens the file properties to view file size, sharing settings and creation date.į3 - Will open explorer and select the search bar. (Crtl + Shift + N) - Creates a new folder in your current directory. Lock the computer and switch users if needed (Windows XP and above only). (Shift + Del) - Deletes a file without sending it to the recycle bin. (Shift + F10) - Opens the contextual or "right click" menu for a file/folder. (Alt + Up) - Will navigate up one folder, since the up arrow on the menu bar was removed in windows 7. (Windows Key + Alt + 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.) Will open the jump list for each program in the taskbar, use the arrow keys to select which jump list option you want to open. (Windows Key + 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.) Will launch each program in your taskbar. This shortcut can also be helpful with windows that don't close with the (Alt + F4) shortcut. (Alt + Space) - Will open the window system menu which can be used to maximize (x), minimize (n), close (c) or move (m) the window, which can be especially helpful if your window is somehow off-screen. shortcuts for changing the position of the active window. An overlay will appear showing keyboard shortcuts that use the Windows key, including: common Windows shortcuts.

(Ctrl + Shift + Esc) - Opens the task manager without the need to first hit Ctrl + Alt + Del. Open the shortcut guide with the shortcut key combination: Win + Shift + / (or as we like to think, Win +) or hold down the Win for the time as set in the Settings. (Windows Key + Pause/Break) - Will open the system properties window. (Alt + Esc) - Similar to Alt + Tab but switches the windows in the order they were opened in. (Windows Key + Up/Down) - Maximizes and restores the current window. (Windows Key + B) - Selects the system tray menu (little white arrow by the clock in the taskbar) (Windows Key + Home Key) - Minimizes all programs except the current window. This is similar to hovering over the item with your mouse, you can restore the program with space or enter.

(Windows Key + T) - Will cycle through open taskbar programs. But, on a lot of keyboards, on the bottom row, towards the right hand side in between the alt and ctrl keys you. 20 Windows Keyboard Shortcuts You Might Not Know